I want to write app for company where i'm working.It will work only with internal resources and only via authentication.How should staff install this app, when it will be done ? How usually people do that(for example ios soft for restaurants) ? I mean that should they use jailbreak for installing it ? I think that apple won't add my app to repository because it won't have possibility to check it.
基本上有两种不同的官方 iPhone 应用程序分发方法:
There are basically two different official iPhone application distribution methods that I am aware of:
您可以使用临时分发应用程序,而无需访问应用程序商店,但是最多只能使用100台设备.使用此方法,您可以从网站,电子邮件等分发应用程序.可以通过在配置文件上添加要共享应用程序的所有设备UDID来上传应用程序,然后在 testflightapp.com/
You can distribute applications using ad hoc without going through the app store, but you are limited to a maximum of 100 devices. With this method you can distribute you application from a web site, email, etc. You can upload the app by adding all the devices UDID you want to share the app on provision profile, then generate a link on testflightapp.com/
The method is for internal distribution in companies with more than 500 employees. Apple does not provide any more public detail that I could find on this method.