<形式方法=获取级=搜索框行动=< PHP代码bloginfo('URL');?>>< DIV ID =搜索外形包装> <输入类型=文本ID =搜索框NAME =S值=ACCESSKEY =4/> <输入类型=形象NAME =提交ID =searchsubmit级=nothiddenVALUE =/> ?&所述; PHP的如果(get_option('k2livesearch')):> < PHP ENDIF; ?><跨度ID =searchreset称号=< PHP esc_attr_e(重置搜索,k2_domain');?>>< / SPAN> &所述;跨度的id =searchload>&下; /跨度>
<输入类型=形象NAME =提交ID =searchsubmit级=nothiddenVALUE =/>
<输入类=nothidden类型=提交名称=提交ID =searchsubmit价值=你的价值/><! - / /如果需要你的style.css文件来创建你想要添加下面的风格和编辑! // - >
现在好了,你会说:我不希望有一个怪异的标准提交按钮!并且我同意!这就是为什么下面的风格时,CSS将帮助我们使用一个提交类型的图像,请阅读以下我的CSS ...
input.nothidden {
border-style: none; /** This is needed to remove borders! **/
display: block;
font-size: 11px; /** Define your font size **/
font-weight: bold; /** Define your font weight **/
height: 23px !important; /** Height of your image **/
/** padding: 4px 0 0; - add some padding if needed... **/
text-align: center; /** Where do you want the text? left, right or center?**/
text-decoration: none; /** Don't want a underline or other decorations? **/
width: 91px; /** Width of your image **/
background: url(http://www.hollandiateam.eu/plaatjes/purple_small.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; /** This is what you want! a image to submit your form and don't use any javascript, W3C validation and no problems in firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer! **/
border: none; /** This is needed to remove image border! **/
color: #080808; /** This is the text color change it to your favorite color **/
} /** The css lines below if you want a hover image sprite or an other hover image, colors etc! **/
/** use the css below if you would like to have hover changes! **/
input.nothidden:hover {
background-position: 0 -23px; /** example if you're using a sprite image, else use background: url(http://www.hollandiateam.eu/plaatjes/purple_small.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; with the path to your image, if you want to use hover and don't use sprites, you will need to add all css lines used by the input.nothidden class and change image url for hover... **/
color: #0000ff; /** hover text color **/
If you use the above code, it will work in all browsers, if you can't get this to work, please post your css and form code and I will edit my answer to fit your needs.
Happy coding
~ Willem