



I have the below code which works for the most part but I am wondering if its possible to tweak it a bit. So what the below code does is if their is no mouse activity for x number of milliseconds a popup window is displayed saying that they will be logged out and then when / if you eventually click the ok button the script will automatically bring you to the logout file.


However what I would like to do instead is if the ok button is not clicked after x number of milliseconds just to go ahead and bring the screen to the logout.php file anyway. Anyone know how I might do this with the below code?Thanks

// Set timeout variables.
var timoutWarning = 840000; // Display warning in 14 Mins.
var timoutNow = 100000; // Timeout in 15 mins would be 900000.
var logoutUrl = 'logout.php'; // URL to logout page.

var warningTimer;
var timeoutTimer;

// Start timers.
function StartTimers() {
    warningTimer = setTimeout("IdleWarning()", timoutWarning);
    timeoutTimer = setTimeout("IdleTimeout()", timoutNow);

// Reset timers.
function ResetTimers() {

// Show idle timeout warning dialog.
function IdleWarning() {
//  $("#timeout").dialog({
    //modal: true
    alert("Warning, your page will redirected to login page. Due to not move your mouse within the page in 15 minutes.");

// Logout the user.
function IdleTimeout() {
    window.location = logoutUrl;



Conceptually, you only need 1 timer running at a time. One timer that runs for 14 minutes and another that runs for another minute (15 minutes total). Once the 14 minute timer runs out, kill it and then start the 1 minute timer. If that one minute timer runs out, log the user out. If the user presses the "Stay Logged In" button, kill the 1 minute timer and restart the 14 minute timer. Rinse and repeat.


I changed your code the best I could. Hope you get the point.

// Set timeout variables.
var timoutWarning = 840000; // Display warning in 14 Mins.
var timoutNow = 60000; // Warning has been shown, give the user 1 minute to interact
var logoutUrl = 'logout.php'; // URL to logout page.

var warningTimer;
var timeoutTimer;

// Start warning timer.
function StartWarningTimer() {
    warningTimer = setTimeout("IdleWarning()", timoutWarning);

// Reset timers.
function ResetTimeOutTimer() {

// Show idle timeout warning dialog.
function IdleWarning() {
    timeoutTimer = setTimeout("IdleTimeout()", timoutNow);
        modal: true
    // Add code in the #timeout element to call ResetTimeOutTimer() if
    // the "Stay Logged In" button is clicked

// Logout the user.
function IdleTimeout() {
    window.location = logoutUrl;



09-07 00:09