

如何正确清除枚举,如何摆脱警告?符合标准的代码将与 foo :: bar :: mUpload 进行比较(请参阅),但是显式作用域真的很长,使得darn不可读。

How can I get rid of the warning, without explicitly scoping the enum properly? The standards-compliant code would be to compare against foo::bar::mUpload (see here), but the explicit scopes are really long and make the darn thing unreadable.

也许有另一种方式,不使用typedef?我不想修改枚举 - 我没有写它和它在其他地方使用。

maybe there's another way that doesn't use typedef? i don't want to modify the enum--i didn't write it and its in use elsewhere.


warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'foo::bar::baz' used in qualified name

namespace foo {
class bar {
enum baz {mUpload = 0, mDownload};

typedef foo::bar::baz mode_t;
mode_t mode = getMode();

if (mode == mode_t::mUpload) //C4482
 return uploadthingy();
 assert(mode == mode_t::mDownload); //C4482
 return downloadthingy();


一个类,你可以做的最好的方法是将类放入你自己的范围,只需使用 class_name :: value 或定义类的typedef。在C ++ 03中,枚举的值是包围范围的一部分(在您的情况下是类)。在C ++ 0x / 11中,您将能够使用枚举名称限定值:

If the enum is defined within a class, the best that you can do is bring the class into your own scope and just use class_name::value or define a typedef of the class. In C++03 the values of an enum are part of the enclosing scope (which in your case is the class). In C++0x/11 you will be able to qualify the values with the enum name:

namespace first { namespace second {
   struct enclosing {
      enum the_enum { one_value, another };
using first::second::enclosing;
typedef first::second::enclosing the_enclosing;

assert( enclosing::one_value != the_enclosing::another );

以后,您的使用将是正确的(C ++ 11):

In the future, your usage will be correct (C++11):

typedef first::second::enclosing::the_enum my_enum;
assert( my_enum::one_value != my_enum::another );


08-22 18:36