我想在 svn 中将大量文件从一个目录批量移动到另一个目录.不幸的是,svn 一次只支持移动一个文件.
I want to bulk move a large number of files from one directory to another in svn. Unfortunately svn only supports moving one file at a time.
基本上我想将某种类型的文件(.xml)移动到一个完全不同的目录,例如mv foo/bar/.xml forbar/xml
Basically I want to move files of a certain type (.xml) to a completely different directory e.g. mv foo/bar/.xml forbar/xml
我尝试使用 find 并使用 -exec 但我需要为第二个参数剥离目录.有什么想法吗?
I tried playing around with find and using -exec but I need to strip the directory off for the second argument. Any ideas?
使用 bash
您可以使用 -execdir
You can do it with the -execdir
option. This runs from the directory that the source files are in (which avoids race conditions with directory linking and etc).
find -name '*.xml' -execdir svn move {} `pwd`/foobar/{} \;
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