



I thought I understood Python slicing operations, but when I tried to update a sliced list, I got confused:

>>> foo = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> foo[:1] = ['one'] # OK, foo updated
>>> foo
['one', 2, 3, 4]
>>> foo[:][1] = 'two' # why foo not updated?
>>> foo
['one', 2, 3, 4]
>>> foo[:][2:] = ['three', 'four'] # Again, foo not updated
>>> foo
['one', 2, 3, 4]

为什么foo[:][1] = 'two'之后不更新foo?

Why isn't foo updated after foo[:][1] = 'two'?

更新:也许我没有清楚地解释我的问题.我知道切片时会创建一个新列表.我的疑问是为什么切片任务会更新列表(例如foo[:1] = ['one']),但是如果切片有两个级别,它就不会更新原始列表(例如foo[:][2:] = ['three', 'four']).

Update: Maybe I didn't explain my questions clearly. I know when slicing, a new list is created. My doubt is why a slicing assignment updates the list (e.g. foo[:1] = ['one']), but if there are two levels of slicing, it doesn't update the original list (e.g. foo[:][2:] = ['three', 'four']).


这是因为python 具有可以分配的 l 值.相反,某些表达式具有不同的赋值形式.

This is because python does not have l-values that could be assigned. Instead, some expressions have an assignment form, which is different.

A foo[something]是用于以下方面的语法糖:

A foo[something] is a syntactic sugar for:


,但是foo[something] = bar是一种语法糖,因为它与众不同:

but a foo[something] = bar is a syntactic sugar for rather different:

foo.__setitem__(something, bar)


Where a slice is just a special case of something, so that foo[x:y] expands to

foo.__getitem__(slice(x, y, None))

foo[x:y] = bar扩展为

foo.__setitem__(slice(x, y, None), bar)


Now a __getitem__ with slice returns a new list that is a copy of the specified range, so modifying it does not affect the original array. And assigning works by the virtue of __setitem__ being a different method, that can simply do something else.


However the special assignment treatment applies only to the outermost operation. The constituents are normal expressions. So when you write

foo[:][1] = 'two'


foo.__getitem__(slice(None, None, None)).__setitem__(1, 'two')

foo.__getitem__(slice(None, None, None))部分创建一个副本,并且该副本被__setitem__修改.但不是原始数组.

the foo.__getitem__(slice(None, None, None)) part creates a copy and that copy is modified by the __setitem__. But not the original array.


07-17 19:50