本文介绍了提高 magento 性能的最佳步骤是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个在专用 LAMP 设置下运行的 magento 商店(1.2 版).

I have a magento shop (ver 1.2) running under a dedicated LAMP setup.


I have made the following changes to it:

  • 启用 magento 缓存
  • 启用 APC
  • MySQL 查询缓存
  • html,css,js的GZip压缩

商店仍然非常慢,渲染主页大约需要 10 秒以上.有没有我遗漏的明显的东西.

The shop is still incredibly slow, around 10 secs and over for rendering the homepage. Is there any obvious things I am missing out.

请分享您提高 Magento 性能的技巧

Please share your tips to improve Magento performance


我们最大的速度提升来自将 ./magento/var/cache 放到 tmpfs 文件系统上.

Our biggest speed increase came from placing ./magento/var/cache onto a tmpfs filesystem.

我们还将 .htaccess 文件的内容移到了 Apache 配置中.这样就无需检查每个页面命中的文件.

We also moved the contents of the .htaccess files into the Apache configuration. That eliminated checking for the file each page hit.

我们也在服务器上启用了 gzip 压缩.似乎有点帮助.

We enabled gzip compression on the server too. It seemed to help a bit.

您可能还想查看您的 MySQL 查询缓存配置.

You may also want to check out your MySQL query cache config.

有一些在线调整 Magento 安装的指南.我喜欢这个:http://www.neurosoftware.ro/programming-blog/blogposter/web-resources/magento-performance-hosting/

There are a few guides to tuning your Magento install online. I liked this one: http://www.neurosoftware.ro/programming-blog/blogposter/web-resources/magento-performance-hosting/

这篇关于提高 magento 性能的最佳步骤是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 22:54