

我对我的第一个移动应用程序有了一个想法,我正在考虑在HTML5 + Jquery Mobile中实现它。核心功能是:

I had an idea for my first mobile application and I was thinking of making it in HTML5 + Jquery Mobile. The core functionality is:

  1. 能够拍下收据

  2. 数字化全部信息。


I've never made a mobile app before and I'm not sure if this is possible. If there is no API available, how would I go about rolling my own receipt reader? Thanks! Please let me know if I am being stupid.

编辑:我找到了一项服务,让我可以使用他们的应用程序拍照(或通过电子邮件发送图片)收据并提取必要的信息。 。我不确定如何使用这项服务,但明天我会做更多的研究,并与你分享我找到的东西。

I found a service that lets me use their application to take a picture(or e-mail the picture) of the receipt and have it extract the necessary information. http://www.proongo.com/b/receipt-reading.php. I'm not exactly sure how to use this service but I will do more research tomorrow and share with you what I find.


我找到了一个OCR API服务,其中包含许多不同的付费业务模型,名为。他们在github上使用各种mobileOS通过PhoneGap托管了许多。他们有一个免费试用模型,可以让你提交100个请求。

I found an OCR API service with a number of different pay-per business models called OCRAPISERVICE. They have a number of examples hosted on github using various mobileOSs through PhoneGap. They do have a free-trial model that lets you submit 100 requests.


07-23 11:49