本文介绍了是否可以在专为 iOS 设计的 Flash 平台中播放 HTTP Live Streaming 视频?(.m3u8 播放列表)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在使用专为 Apple 的 iOS 设备设计的 HTTP 实时流媒体服务.它目前在 iOS 设备上运行良好.

We're using HTTP live streaming service designed for Apple's iOS devices. It's working well with iOS devices currently.

源视频片段存储在服务器中,格式为 H.264MPEG2(.ts) 容器.有没有办法在 Flash 平台上播放这些视频?

Source video fragments are stored in server formatted in H.264 and with MPEG2(.ts) container. Is there a way to play these video in Flash platform?


  1. 据我所知,Adobe 提供了他们自己的流媒体格式 F4F,无论如何我们已经决定不使用它了.

  1. As I know, Adobe offers their own streaming format F4F, anyway we already decided not to go for it.

有 OSMF 框架和实现.http://code.google.com/p/apple-http-osmf/

There is OSMF framework and an implementation.http://code.google.com/p/apple-http-osmf/

选项#2 看起来不错.但我不知道如何使用它.我怎样才能使用它?什么是 OSMF?是否可以在 Web 浏览器的标准 Flash Player 中运行?它是否像在 iOS 中一样顺利运行?(顺利意味着没有挣扎)如果你为此目的使用过这个 OSMF 的东西,请告诉我!

Option #2 looks good. But I have no idea about how can I use it. How can I use this? What's OSMF? Is it possible to run in standard Flash Player for web browsers? And is it work smoothly like in iOS? (smoothly means no struggling) If you have used this OSMF stuff for this purpose, please let me know!


我主要是在寻找客户端方法.如果 Flash Player 无法实现,我们更喜欢渐进式下载.

I'm finding client-side method primarily. We prefer progressive download if this is impossible in Flash Player.


最新版本的 JWPlayer(第 6 版)支持在台式机的 Flash 中播放 HLS 流,在 iOS 中以 HTML5 模式播放.相关链接:

The latest version of JWPlayer (version 6) supports playing HLS streams in Flash for desktop machines, and in HTML5 mode for iOS. Relevant links:

如果有人知道其他支持在 Flash 中播放 HLS 流的播放器,请告诉我.

If anyone knows other players which support playing HLS streams in flash, please let me know.

更新:找到了几个非免费的在 flash 中播放 HLS 的解决方案:

Update:Found few non-free solutions to play HLS in flash:


http://onlinelib.de/(有单独的 SMP 许可插件)

http://onlinelib.de/ (have separate licensed plugin for SMP)



这篇关于是否可以在专为 iOS 设计的 Flash 平台中播放 HTTP Live Streaming 视频?(.m3u8 播放列表)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-18 07:08