我想在VBA EXCEL中使用ADODB从封闭的工作簿中读取信息。
I want to read information from from a closed workbook using ADODB in VBA EXCEL.It happens that the strings in the cells in excel sometimes are with a length bigger than 255.
如果您要截断的字段的前8条记录包含255个或更少的字符,则您的数据可能被截断为255个字符。默认情况下,Microsoft Excel ODBC驱动程序将扫描数据的前8行以确定
"Your data may be truncated to 255 characters if the first 8 records for the field(s) being truncated contain 255 or fewer characters. The Microsoft Excel ODBC driver will, by default, scan the first 8 rows of your data to determine the type of data in each column."
There is a "solution" for this: setting the TypeGuessRows value to zero (0) in the registry, but:
出于性能原因,如果您的Excel表很大,建议不要将TypeGuessRows值设置为零(0)。当该值设置为零时,Microsoft Excel将进行扫描表中的所有记录,以确定每一列中的数据类型。
"For performance reasons, setting the TypeGuessRows value to zero (0) is not recommended if your Excel table is very large. When this value is set to zero, Microsoft Excel will scan all records in your table to determine the type of data in each column. "
Is there a way that I can tell (lie) the driver to read more than 255 chars (except putting a dummy string in the first row of each column or setting the TypeGuessRows value to zero (0)).
And if I can't; is there a way to write to closed excel workbooks and save the changes so I can insert dummy first row at the top of each column before I read the information from the closed workbook.
Your question would be very interesting and up-to-date several years ago.
Since 2007 (see MSDN: Introducing the Office (2007) Open XML File Formats) old Excel binary formats became slowly obsoleted, left behind in the closed-source space and some legacy APIs (together with their limitations) were replaced by alternatives, especially by the Microsoft: Open XML SDK 2.5
I don't know if you can hack a legacy ADODB driver to behave differently, but there are certainly other approaches and libraries that can get the work done.
Some related Stack Overflow questions with links to perhaps useful solutions:
- Reading Excel files from C#
- Interop Excel is slow
Some related APIs (for C#) replacing the ADODB and removing its limitations:
- http://closedxml.codeplex.com/
- http://freenetexcel.codeplex.com/
- http://epplus.codeplex.com/
- http://npoi.codeplex.com/
- https://github.com/ExcelDataReader/ExcelDataReader
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