I want to automate the Excel process of Data → Import Text File → text import wizard
How do I find the PowerShell name for these menus?
Here is my code. I want it to find .txt files in a folder (which have delimiters) and import them into separate Excel files.
#needs 2个或更多文件可以正常工作。 rubbish.txt必须与其他文件夹在一起。
#needs 2 or more files to work. rubbish.txt must be in folder with other files.
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $true
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$path = "S:\DATA EXCHANGE\Testing" #where the original files are
$path2="S:\DATA EXCHANGE\Resurgent\fromSFG\test" #where you want the new files to go
Set-Location $path
$a= Get-ChildItem $path -recurse -include *.txt #only finds the text files
$numOfFiles= $a.count
For ($n=$numOfFiles-1; $n -gt -1; $n--)
{$b=$a[$n].name ;
$z=$path+"/"+$b #finds original file for import
$wb = $excel.Workbooks.OpenText( #the import
$z, # file to open
1, # start from row 1
$false, # Consecutive Delimiter
$true, # tab
$false, # semicolon
$true, # comma
$false, # space
$true, # use other
$y= $b -replace ".txt.*" #gets filename without extension
$y= $path2+"/"+$y #adds path to filename
#$y= $y+".xlsx" #adds xlsx to filename
if ($b -eq "rubbish.txt") {$Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Close()}
If I understood your question, you are looking at a way to import a CSV file directly into Excel.
我使用$ excel.workbooks对象的 Open()
方法。 / p>
I use the Open()
method of the $excel.workbooks object.
$excel = new-object -comobject excel.application
$file = get-item "d:\scripts\test.csv"
$excel.displayalerts = $False
$wb = $excel.workbooks.open($file)
如果这不起作用,我使用文件将.CSV文件重命名为.TXT,并使用 OpenText
If that doesn't work, I use files I rename the .CSV file to .TXT, and open them with OpenText
$wb = $excel.Workbooks.OpenText(
"mycsv.txt", # file to open
1, # start from row 1
$false, # Consecutive Delimiter
$false, # tab
$false, # semicolon
$false, # comma
$false, # space
$true, # use other
不要直接使用.CSV文件使用 OpenText
,重新命名他们。 Excel似乎与CSV命名文件不同。
Don't use OpenText
with .CSV files directly, rename them first. Excel seems to work with CSV named files differently.