接下来是激烈的辩论。所有同意 @interface
, @implementation
等都是预处理器指令,而不是关键字, 在
NSArray * in;
for(in in)
int self = 45;
self ++;
int y = self;
编译良好,同样的代码也可以代替 BOOL,bycopy ,inout,oneway,byref,SEL,
使用 id
作为变量名,第一行和最后一行编译,但不是第二行。 协议
使用 super
, NO
,所有三行都无法编译,只是定义为 true
, false
和 nil
在我看来,很多这是gcc变得困惑,我不太确定它反映了什么是和不是一个保留的关键字在Objective-C 。例如,为什么可以使用 self
作为int的名称,但不是 super
在这个意义上, ?
然后都错了。 #import
和 #pragma
At the CocoaHeads Öresund meeting yesterday, peylow had constructed a great ObjC quiz. The competition was intense and three people were left with the same score when the final question was to be evaluated: How many reserved keywords does Objective-C add to C?
Some spirited debate followed. All agreed that @interface
, @implementation
etc are all pre-processor directives rather than keywords, but how about something like in
? It might be a keyword, but it's not a reserved keyword. For example, the following will compile without errors or warnings:
NSArray* in;
for (in in in)
We concluded that ObjC adds no reserved keywords to C, and someone won a seemingly well-earned book.
But today I tried some more systematic abuse on the compiler by trying things like this:
int self = 45;
int y = self;
That compiles fine, and the same code works replacing self for BOOL, bycopy, inout, oneway, byref, SEL,
and IMP
Using id
as the variable name, the first and last lines compile, but not the second one. The same goes for Protocol
, and Class
Using super
, the first line compiles, but not the second and third.
With YES
, NO
, and NULL
, all three lines fail to compile, probably because they are just defined as true
, false
, and nil
It looks to me like a lot of this is gcc getting confused and I'm not so sure it reflects what is and isn't a reserved keyword in Objective-C. Why, for example, is it ok to use self
as the name of an int, but not super
The fact that the first assignment always works (except for with YES, NO, and NULL) would seem to support the idea that none of the candidates are technically reserved keywords that are not found in C. Or?
Could someone please give us an authoritative explication of this thorny issue?
Several people's honor is at stake.
EDIT: As Nikolai Ruhe pointed out, we need a clear definition of "keyword" to proceed. Niko cited a Wikipedia article saying that a keyword is "a word or identifier that has a particular meaning".
I think it is reasonable to use this definition from the same article:
Furthermore, as the article states:
In this sense, then, are there any reserved keywords that are predefined in the language’s formal specifications and cannot be used as a user-defined name?
All agreed that @interface, @implementation etc are all pre-processor directives rather than keywords
Then all were mistaken. #import
and #pragma
are preprocessor directives. @interface, @implementation, @protocol
and so forth are keywords of Objective-C, and they are compiler directives. They haven't been preprocessor directives since NeXT extended GCC to compile Objective-C without a Stepstone's original Objective-C pre-processor implementation.