Interesting thing, in debug, I have detected that the variable account is always null on the line 61 from the CatalinaSessionTokenStore class (from Tomcat Keycloak Adapter dependency) :Session catalinaSession = request.getSessionInternal(false);if (catalinaSession == null) return;SerializableKeycloakAccount account = (SerializableKeycloakAccount) catalinaSession.getSession().getAttribute(SerializableKeycloakAccount.class.getName());if (account == null) { return;}(... next lines are to control the content of the Keycloak context)即使已激活TRACE级别,Tomcat日志中也没有任何内容.Nothing in the Tomcat log even with TRACE level activated.我是否忘记了要配置的内容?这是一个错误吗?Did I forget something to configure ? Is it a bug ?谢谢推荐答案找到了.在我的keycloak.json中,从:Found. In my keycloak.json, switch from :"auth-server-url" : "http://<keycloak_server>.fr:8443/auth"收件人:"auth-server-url" : "https://<keycloak_server>.fr:8443/auth"没有日志,没有错误...遗憾的是,Keycloak适配器的配置如此糟糕,并且几乎不存在日志记录...No log, no error...It's a pity that the Keycloak adapters configuration is so badly documented and logging almost non-existent... 这篇关于无法使Keycloak Tomcat 7适配器正常工作(版本3.4.3)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!