我正在尝试使用Mockito ArgumentCaptor在我的方法中获取mime消息.当我拿回捕获对象时,其值为null.我想调试它,但是Mockito用增强器包装了它,所以我看不到内容.这适用于我的方法中的对象.有人有主意吗?
I am trying to use Mockito ArgumentCaptor to get the mime message in my method. When I get the capture object back its values are null. I tyro to debug it, but Mockito wraps it with an enhancer, so I cannot see the contents. That applies to the objects in my method. Does anyone have an idea?
这是我的样本测试. msg不是null,但此后调用该方法将返回null.
Here is my sample test. msg is not null, but the method calls after that return nulls.
public void testSendTemplatedMail() throws MessagingException, IOException {
Context ctx = new Context();
ctx.setVariable("name", "John Doe");
ctx.setVariable("subscriptionDate", new Date());
ctx.setVariable("hobbies", Arrays.asList("Cinema", "Sports", "Music"));
String templateName = "testEmailTemplateWithoutImage";
try {
mailUtils.sendTemplatedMail("John Doe", "john.doe@bbc.com",
"no-reply@leanvelocitylabs.com", "Hello",
templateName, ctx);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
ArgumentCaptor<MimeMessage> msg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(MimeMessage.class);
verify(mailSenderMock, times(1)).createMimeMessage();
verify(mailSenderMock, times(1)).send(msg.capture());
System.out.println("Sample msg subject = " + msg);
System.out.println("Sample msg ctype = " + msg.getValue().getContentType());
System.out.println("Sample msg to = " + msg.getValue().getAllRecipients());
System.out.println("Sample msg sender = " + msg.getValue().getSender());
System.out.println("Sample msg from = " + msg.getValue().getFrom());
System.out.println("Sample msg content = " + msg.getValue().getContent());
// assertEquals("accountAlmostDone", mv.getViewName());
// assertEquals("NA", mv.getModel().get("activationCode"));
You've stubbed createMimeMessage
to return a mock. Presumably, this mock is what is being passed to send
; so your argument captor is just capturing the mock. Each of the methods on the mock (getContentType()
and the others) is just returning null, because you haven't stubbed them yet.
这篇关于Mockito ArgumentCaptor返回Null的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!