Are there any crucial differences between Oracle and OpenJDK?
For example, are the garbage collection and other JVM parameters the same?
Does GC work differently between the two?
目前已创建和维护OpenJDK和Oracle JDK仅限Oracle。
Both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are created and maintained currently by Oracle only.
OpenJDK和Oracle JDK是通过TCK(Java技术认证工具包)的相同Java规范的实现。
OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are implementations of the same Java specification passed the TCK (Java Technology Certification Kit).
Most of the vendors of JDK are written on top of OpenJDK by doing a few tweaks to [mostly to replace licensed proprietary parts / replace with more high-performance items that only work on specific OS] components without breaking the TCK compatibility.
许多供应商实施了Java规范并通过了TCK。例如,IBM J9,Azul Zulu,Azul Zing和Oracle JDK。
Many vendors implemented the Java specification and got TCK passed. For example, IBM J9, Azul Zulu, Azul Zing, and Oracle JDK.
Almost every existing JDK is derived from OpenJDK.
As suggested by many, licensing is a change between JDKs.
从JDK 11开始访问长期支持Oracle JDK / Java SE现在需要商业许可证。您现在应该注意您正在安装的JDK,因为没有订阅的Oracle JDK可能会停止工作。
Starting with JDK 11 accessing the long time support Oracle JDK/Java SE will now require a commercial license. You should now pay attention to which JDK you're installing as Oracle JDK without subscription could stop working. source
这篇关于Oracle JDK和OpenJDK之间的差异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!