

我在 PHP 的不同线程之间共享静态变量时遇到问题.简单地说,我想1.在一个线程中写一个静态变量2.在其他线程中读取并执行所需的过程并清理它.为了测试上述要求,我写了下面的 PHP 脚本.

I have a problem in sharing static variable between different threads in PHP.In simple words I want to1. Write a static variable in one thread2. Read it in other thread and do the required process and clean it.For testing above requirement I have written below PHP script.


class ThreadDemo1 extends Thread
private $mode;  //to run 2 threads in different modes
private static $test;  //Static variable shared between threads

//Instance is created with different mode
function __construct($mode) {
    $this->mode = $mode;

//Set the static variable using mode 'w'
function w_mode() {
   echo 'entered mode w_mode() funcion';
   echo "<br />";

   //Set shared variable to 0 from initial 100
   self::$test = 100;

   echo "Value of static variable : ".self::$test;
   echo "<br />";
   echo "<br />";

   //sleep for a while


//Read the staic vaiable set in mode 'W'
function r_mode() {
   echo 'entered mode r_mode() function';
   echo "<br />";

   //printing the staic variable set in W mode
   echo "Value of static variable : ".self::$test;
   echo "<br />";
   echo "<br />";

   //Sleep for a while


//Start the thread in different modes
public function run() {

//Print the mode for reference
echo "Mode in run() method: ".$this->mode;
echo "<br />";

    switch ($this->mode)

    case 'W':

   case 'R':

        echo "Invalid option";


$trd1 = new ThreadDemo1('W');
$trd2 = new ThreadDemo1('R');
$trd3 = new ThreadDemo1('R');

预期的输出是,run() 方法中的模式:W进入模式 w_mode() 函数静态变量的值:100

Expected output is,Mode in run() method: Wentered mode w_mode() funcionValue of static variable : 100

run() 方法中的模式:R进入模式 r_mode() 函数静态变量的值:100

Mode in run() method: Rentered mode r_mode() functionValue of static variable : 100

run() 方法中的模式:R进入模式 r_mode() 函数静态变量的值:100

Mode in run() method: Rentered mode r_mode() functionValue of static variable : 100

但实际上我得到的输出是,run() 方法中的模式:W进入模式 w_mode() 函数静态变量的值:100

But actually I am getting the output as,Mode in run() method: Wentered mode w_mode() funcionValue of static variable : 100

run() 方法中的模式:R进入模式 r_mode() 函数静态变量的值:

Mode in run() method: Rentered mode r_mode() functionValue of static variable :

run() 方法中的模式:R进入模式 r_mode() 函数静态变量的值:

Mode in run() method: Rentered mode r_mode() functionValue of static variable :


....Really unaware of the cause. Please help.



Static variables are not shared among contexts, the reason is that static variables have a class entry scope, and handlers are for managing the object scope.


When a new thread is started, statics are copied (removing complex variables, like objects and resources).


The static scope can be thought of as a kind of thread local storage.

此外,如果成员不是静态的……从 pthreads 定义派生的类的所有成员都被认为是公共的.

In addition, where members are not static ... all members of a class derived from a pthreads definition are considered public.

我鼓励您阅读随 pthread 分发的示例,它们也可以在 github 上找到.

I encourage you to read the examples distributed with pthreads, they are available on github too.


05-27 04:56