

我需要在Navigator Control的数据库中创建可用视图的链接。我没有找到该控件的计算公式区域。就像我们使用combobox的代码:

I need to create links of available views in database on Navigator Control. I did not find any computed formula area for that control. Just like we use code for combobox:

var v = database.getViews();
var a = []
for(var i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
   a[i] = v[i].getName()
return a


After achieving that, the select view will display by Dynamic View Panel of ext library.Please guide me how to do this. Thanks in advance.



您可以创建一个< xe:navigator> 中的< xe:repeatTreeNode> 的数据库中的每个视图的导航条目:

You can create a navigation entry for each view in you database using the <xe:repeatTreeNode> in the <xe:navigator>:

<xe:navigator id="outline" expandable="true">
    <xe:repeatTreeNode loaded="true" indexVar="index" var="crrView" value="#{javascript:return database.getViews();}">
            <xe:basicLeafNode label="#{javascript:crrView.getName();}" loaded="true">

此代码将为您的数据库中的每个视图生成一个导航。您可以使用< xe:basicleafNode> 中的变量 crrView 来获取 database.getViews()在循环中。

This code will generate a in you navigation for each view in your Database. You can use the variable crrView in the <xe:basicleafNode> to get current element of the Vector returned by database.getViews() in the loop.

您还可以使用其他元素,然后 < xe:basicLeafNode> < xe:repeatTreeNode>中。在导航控件的NavigationItems窗口中选择RepeatNode,然后单击添加孩子。

You can also use other elements then the <xe:basicLeafNode> in the <xe:repeatTreeNode>.Select the RepeatNode in the NavigationItems window of the navigatior control and click on add Child.


05-26 23:00