本文介绍了Chrome 使用 https 为本地开发站点添加前缀的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Ubuntu 上安装了一些更新,现在 Chrome 用 https 为我所有的本地开发站点添加前缀.我没有安装任何证书,所以 Apache 拒绝连接,我收到此错误消息:

Installed some updates on Ubuntu and now Chrome is prefixing all of my local development sites with https. I haven't got any certificates installed so Apache is refusing to connect and I'm getting this error message:

This site can’t be reached
xyz.dev refused to connect.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

我在 Ubuntu 16.04 上使用 Chrome 63.0.3239.84

I'm using Chrome 63.0.3239.84 on Ubuntu 16.04

这些网站在 Firefox 57.0.1 中运行,因此它是 Chrome 特有的.

The sites work in Firefox 57.0.1 so its a Chrome specific thing.

如何在 Chrome 中关闭此功能?

How do I switch this off in Chrome?


您无法将其关闭.Google 已经购买了 .dev TLD,所以现在他们认为他们可以用它做他们认为最好的事情.

You can’t switch it off. Google has bought the .dev TLD, so now they think they can do what they think is best with it.

https://ma.ttias.be/chrome-force-dev-domains-https-via-preloaded-hsts 有关于整个问题的更多信息.

https://ma.ttias.be/chrome-force-dev-domains-https-via-preloaded-hsts has more info on the whole issue.

切换到本地开发的另一个扩展(我通常更喜欢 .local - 希望他们在某个时候不要把他们肮脏的小手指放在那个上,哈哈),或者至少安装Apache 中的自签名证书.

Switch to another extension for local development (I usually prefer .local - hope they don’t get their grubby little fingers on that one at some point, too, LOL), or install at least a self-signed certificate in your Apache.

这篇关于Chrome 使用 https 为本地开发站点添加前缀的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 16:09