本文介绍了使用 local-name() 获取 XSLT 中的第一个子节点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


假设我们有这个简单的 xml ...

Assume we have this simple xml ...


我使用这个 xpath 来获取第一个 book 实例的元素.

I'm using this xpath to get the elements of the first book instance.




这很好用,但我必须使用 local-name() 让它工作.我尝试了以下但这些都不起作用...

And that works fine, but I have to get it working using local-name(). I've tried the following but none of these work...



this returns repeating author and title elements, not good, I only need them from the first child



基本上,我想创建一个 CSV 文件,因此输出中的第一行将是一个标题,列出书籍属性名称,后跟任意数据值.我只需要让标题部分工作.

Basically, I want to create a CSV file, so the first line in the output will be a header listing the book attribute names followed by the arbitrary data values. I only need to get the header part working.

john,The End is Near
sally,Looking for Answers



The path expression you say works for you


生成第一次(并且仅在这种情况下)出现的任何 <books> 的所有子节点的列表.节点.因为,在您的数据中,唯一出现的 <books>是根,同

generates a list of all child nodes of the first (and only in this case) occurrence of any <books> node. Because, in your data, the only occurrence of <books> is at the root, it is the same as


返回两个 <book>节点,所以你说它只返回一个节点是错误的.

which returns two <book> nodes, and so you are wrong to say that it returns only one node.

很难知道您需要什么,就好像您总是将 local-name 应用于根节点,那么您就不需要知道它的名称,只需使用 即可访问它/*,所以你只需要

It is hard to know what you need, as if you are always applying local-name to the root node then you do not need to know its name and can access it with just /*, so you would want simply


但是要访问 的第一个子节点节点在您要编写的文档中的任何位置

However to access the first child node of a <books> node anywhere in the document you would write


您应该尽可能地限制上下文,因为以 // 开头的 XPath 表达式将强制搜索整个文档,如果节点问题总是在根源上.

You should be careful to confine your context as much as possible, as starting the XPath expression with // will force a search of the entire document, which is pointless and time-consuming if the node in question is always at the root.

这篇关于使用 local-name() 获取 XSLT 中的第一个子节点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 13:05