


There doesn't seem to be any useful documentation out there about parsing XML in Mootools. Either it's so stupidly easy nobody could be bothered to mention it, or it's so fiendishly difficult everybody's given up trying. Does anyone have any simple cross browser method for parsing XML with Mootools?


Here's my little XML file data.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <suggestion winning="Y">
      <copy><![CDATA[Draw straws to see who wins]]>
   <suggestion winning="N">
      <copy><![CDATA[Race your friends round the meeting room]]>


window.addEvent('domready', function(){

    var outputHTML = '';

    var req = new Request({
        url: 'data.xml',
        method: 'get',
        onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML) {
            if(typeOf(responseXML) != 'document'){
                responseXML = responseXML.documentElement;
            var suggestions = responseXML.getElements('suggestion');
            suggestions.each(function(item) {
                    outputHTML += '<p>';
                    outputHTML += item.getElement('copy').get('text') + '<br/>';
                    outputHTML += '<b>' + item.getElement('person').get('text') + '</b>: ';
                    outputHTML += item.getElement('location').get('text')  + '<br/>';
                    if (item.get('winning') == 'Y') {
                        outputHTML += ' <b>Won!</b>';
                    outputHTML += '</p>';
            $('output').set('html', outputHTML);


我发现我必须做 responseXML = responseXML.documentElement 位以使其在Chrome中运行。这个JS在Chrome和FF中工作正常,但IE抱怨对象不支持这个属性或方法第16行,我试图在responseXML上运行getElements('suggestion')。

I found I had to do the responseXML = responseXML.documentElement bit to make it work in Chrome. This JS works OK in Chrome and FF, but IE complains "Object doesn't support this property or method" for line 16, where I'm trying to run getElements('suggestion') on responseXML.


Can any kindly expert restore my faith in the mystical powers of Mootools?





This is a rather old question but I recently had the same problem, so I'd like to share my solution.

Request 收到的 responseXML 变量只是来自浏览器的未更改的XML响应。在IE(最高版本9)下,您将收到一个IXMLDOMDocument对象。我发现将此对象转换为MooTools 元素树的最简单方法如下:

The responseXML variable you receive from Request is simply the unaltered XML response from your browser. Under IE (up to version 9), you'll receive an IXMLDOMDocument object. I found that the easiest way to convert this object to a MooTools Element tree is the following:

function(responseText, responseXML) {
    var doc = responseXML.documentElement;
    if (doc.xml) {
        doc = new Element('div', { html: doc.xml }).getFirst();
    // Now you can use 'doc' like any other MooTools Element

或者,您可以使用IE的 DOMParser ,这可能更有效:

Alternatively, you can use IE's DOMParser which might be more efficient:

function(responseText, responseXML) {
    var doc = responseXML.documentElement;
    if (doc.xml) {
        var parser = new DOMParser();
        var html = parser.parseFromString(doc.xml, 'text/xml');
        doc = document.id(html.documentElement);
    // Now you can use 'doc' like any other MooTools Element


09-05 13:01