


I'm developing a Web Application, and it is running as an Azure Web App. This application has a section in which a user can navigate a directory, and allows the user to open the files and browse sub-directories in said directory.

目前,子目录和文件都在里面〜/内容/文档,而我浏览目录的使用 Directory.GetFiles() Directory.GetDirectories();这是由 System.IO 提供的功能。

At the moment, the sub-directories and files are inside "~/Content/Documents", and I am browsing the directory's by using Directory.GetFiles() and Directory.GetDirectories(); functions which are provided by System.IO.


The files in question would be retrieved and downloaded several times a day, and there is no way to manually path one-by-one, seeing as there is a large quantity, and they are subject to change.


However, I has become inconvenient to store the files within the web directory. So my two questions are:


以下哪项服务,提供能力的首页 / 地图的路径,这将符合自己的web应用程序?


Please note that the users do not have the ability to edit or otherwise upload any of the files, and there is therefor no need for the service to allow non-authenticated upload.



The newish Azure File Storage feature can be used to store files in Azure Storage and make them accessible via an SMB file share. This will allow for legacy application that require the use of a traditional file share for saving / retrieving files. This allows for easier integration into existing applications without needing to completely rewrite the file storage code.


09-05 05:38