

我正试图否定max-device-width媒体查询(原因是如果设备具有精确的宽度,我不会同时触发(max-device-width: X)(min-device-width: X)).不幸的是,not (min-or-max-some-width: X)媒体查询从不触发.

I'm trying to negate the max-device-width media query (the reason for this is I don't won't both (max-device-width: X) and (min-device-width: X) to fire if the device has precisely that width). Unfortunately, the not (min-or-max-some-width: X) media queries never fire.


Here's a small fiddle. I expect two yellow lines on the desktop and two red lines on mobile. What I get is only one yellow line on the desktop (the last one) and only one red line on mobile (the first one).




When Media Queries was first introduced, it required the not keyword to be followed by a media type in order for the media query to be valid. It seems strange, but that's just how the grammar was defined (see the media_query production).

此问题现已在媒体查询级别4 (请参阅<media_not>生产),因此您所拥有的应该在符合MQ4的浏览器中按预期工作.但是,尚未开始提供4级媒体功能的浏览器尚未实现新语法.

This is now fixed in Media Queries level 4 (see the <media_not> production), so what you have should work as expected in browsers that conform to MQ4. However, none of the browsers that have begun shipping level 4 media features has implemented the new grammar yet.


In the meantime, you'll need to add a media type. If the media type is not important, use all:

not all and (max-device-width: X)



09-01 18:31