我有一个 SharePoint 网站,我需要在其中找到不同类型的调查,将它们划分为不同的快速启动:例如,如果我有园艺、绘画和 ext.快速启动 我希望在园艺启动中进行有关园艺的调查,在绘画启动中进行有关绘画的调查等.
I have a SharePoint site, where I need to locate different kinds of surveys, to divide them into different quick launches: Like, if I have Gardening, Painting and ext. quick launches I want surveys about gardening to be in Gardening launch, about painting in Painting launch and so on.
我决定创建一个列表(调查列表"),用户创建的所有这些调查将放在哪里.列表有一个列 - 流派(列类型:选择).我想要的是创建下一步要做的全局视图:所有园艺类型的调查都放入园艺视图,绘画中的绘画等等.我做了视图,这仅在调查列表"视图中可见.当然,全局视图的制作没有完成,任务没有完成.
I decided to create a list ("Surveys List"), where will be all this surveys that user creates. List has a column - genre (column type: choice).What I want is to create global views to do next: All surveys with gardening genre put into Gardening view , paintings in Painting and so on. I did views, which was visible in just "Surveys List" view. Of course, making with global views work is not done, mission is not accomplished.
由于我是 SharePoint 的新手,可能有很多更好的方法来完成所有这些事情,但我不知道.如果有人知道如何进行全局视图或解决此问题,请帮助.
As I'm really new in SharePoint probably there is So many better ways to do all that stuff, which I don't know. If anybody knows how to make global views or solve this problem, please help.
SharePoint 中没有全局视图"这样的东西 - 视图始终绑定到一个列表.
There is no such thing as a "global view" in SharePoint - a view is always tied to one list.
You can create an identical view on another list but its just a copy.
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