上载某些PNG文件时,在OneDrive网站和REST API返回的Photo对象中错误地报告了大小.可以使用以下PNG文件重现该内容:
When uploading certain PNG files the size is incorrectly reported on the OneDrive website and in the Photo object returned by the REST API. This can be reproduced using the following PNG file:
文件大小为 20.3 KB ,OneDrive将其显示为 38.4 KB
The file size is 20.3 KB, OneDrive displays it as 38.4 KB
这似乎仅在没有downsize_photo_uploads查询参数或将其设置为true时会缩小/转换大小的PNG文件中发生.但是问题不仅限于使用REST API上载.
It seems this only happens with PNG files that would be downsized/converted when the downsize_photo_uploads query param is absent or set to true. But the problem is not just limited to uploads using the REST API.
Ryan.我们对此进行了调查,并对大小发生了什么问题有了很好的了解. OneDrive通过使用与文件关联的最大数据流的大小来计算文件在我们系统中所占的空间".将图像上传到OneDrive时,我们还会为图像创建缩略图,以便我们可以在客户和网站中快速显示各种视图.
Ryan from OneDrive here. We looked into this and have a good understanding of what's going wrong with the size. OneDrive computes the "space" a file takes up in our system by using the size of the largest data stream associated with a file. When an image is uploaded to OneDrive, we also create thumbnails for images so that we can quickly show various views in our clients and website.
In the case of this particular file, one of the JPG thumbnails we create for the PNG file is actually larger than the original file (due to the JPG compression not being as effective as PNG for this image). As a result, the thumbnail is actually the largest stream on the file. As you can imagine, that doesn't happen very often, but for this image (and others like it) we have this bug.
We have a bug tracking the issue and are investigating how we can fix the API to return the size of the "default" stream -- the stream that represents the actual contents of the file. I don't have an ETA for the fix, but we're working on it.