我在石膏板注册页面中阅读了以下玉石代码,但不确定 <% <%= 的外观是什么意思?有谁能告诉我吗?
I was reading the following jade code in drywall signup page and not sure about what the appearances of <% <%= means ? Can any one tell me ?
script(type='text/template', id='tmpl-signup')
|<% _.each(errors, function(err) { %>
button.close(type='button', data-dismiss='alert') ×
|<%= err %>
|<% }); %>
div.form-group(class!='<%= errfor.username ? "has-error" : "" %>')
label.control-label Pick a Username:
input.form-control(type='text', name='username', value!='<%= username %>')
span.help-block <%= errfor.username %>
div.form-group(class!='<%= errfor.email ? "has-error" : "" %>')
label.control-label Enter Your Email:
input.form-control(type='text', name='email', value!='<%= email %>')
span.help-block <%= errfor.email %>
div.form-group(class!='<%= errfor.password ? "has-error" : "" %>')
label.control-label Create a Password:
input.form-control(type='password', name='password', value!='<%= password %>')
span.help-block <%= errfor.password %>
button.btn.btn-primary.btn-signup(type='button') Create My Account
表示将被解释为 javascript 的代码块,并将在呈现模板之前执行.例如,下面的块
<% and %> denote a block of code which will be interpreted as javascript, and will be executed before the template is rendered. For instance, the following block
input.form-control(type='text', name='email', value!='<%= email %>')
将变量 'email' 插入到呈现的 html 中,以便文本框的值等于该变量.类似地,forEach 循环和 IF 语句在插入 <% %> 块
Will insert the variable 'email' into the rendered html, so that the value of the textbox will equal to that variable. Similarly, forEach loops, and IF statements function just as they would in plain JavaScript when inserted into a <% %> block
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