


I have about 30,000 vectors and each vector has about 300 elements.


For another vector (with same number elements), how can I efficiently find the most (cosine) similar vector?


This following is one implementation using a python loop:

from time import time
import numpy as np

vectors = np.load("np_array_of_about_30000_vectors.npy")
target = np.load("single_vector.npy")
print vectors.shape, vectors.dtype  # (35196, 312) float3
print target.shape, target.dtype  # (312,) float32

start_time = time()
for i, candidate in enumerate(vectors):
    similarity = np.dot(candidate, target)/(np.linalg.norm(candidate)*np.linalg.norm(target))
    if similarity > max_similarity:
        max_similarity = similarity
        max_index = i
print "done with loop in %s seconds" % (time() - start_time)  # 0.466356039047 seconds
print "Most similar vector to target is index %s with %s" % (max_index, max_similarity)  #  index 2399 with 0.772758982696


The following with removed python loop is 44x faster, but isn't the same computation:

print "starting max dot"
start_time = time()
print(np.max(np.dot(vectors, target)))
print "done with max dot in %s seconds" % (time() - start_time)  # 0.0105748176575 seconds


Is there a way to get this speedup associated with numpy doing the iterations without loosing the max index logic and the division of the normal product? For optimizing calculations like this, would it make sense to just do the calculations in C?



You have the correct idea about avoiding the loop to get performance. You can use argmin to get the minimum distance index.

不过,我会将距离计算更改为scipy cdist 也是如此.这样,您可以计算到多个目标的距离,并且可以根据需要从多个距离度量中进行选择.

Though, I would change the distance calculation to scipy cdist as well. This way you can calculate distances to multiple targets and would be able to choose from several distance metrics, if need be.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance

distances = distance.cdist([target], vectors, "cosine")[0]
min_index = np.argmin(distances)
min_distance = distances[min_index]
max_similarity = 1 - min_distance



08-23 00:38