我有一些很老的VB.Net code,它是:
I have some very old VB.Net code that is:
Private Function Min(ByVal A As Object, ByVal B As Object) As Object
If A Is DBNull.Value Or B Is DBNull.Value Then Return DBNull.Value
If A < B Then Return A Else Return B
End Function
No worries. The compiler eats it.... and asks for more. But when converting to C#:
private object Min(object A, object B)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(A, DBNull.Value) | object.ReferenceEquals(B, DBNull.Value))
return DBNull.Value;
return A < B ? A : B;
Compiler chokes on it with error message :
Cannot apply operator '<' with operands of object and object
So, what the dilly yo?
The code only works in VB because you are using Option Strict Off
. In general this is incredibly bad practice. Well, it’s old code as you say. In modern code (be it VB or C#) you’d use generics or/and interfaces. The code cannot be translated to generics directly due to the DBNull
but here’s what a generic approach would look like in VB (without the DBNull
Function Min(Of T As IComparable(Of T))(a As T, b as T) As T
Return If(a.CompareTo(b) < 0, a, b)
End Function
让我们回到你的code,你可以简单地把两个参数 IComparable的
Coming back to your code, you can simply cast the two arguments to IComparable
after ensuring that they’re not DBNull
, and then do the equivalent:
private object Min(object A, object B)
if (A == DBNull.Value || B == DBNull.Value)
return DBNull.Value;
return ((IComparable) A).CompareTo(B) < 0 ? A : B;
(为完整起见, C#4具有动态
关键字它允许旧的VB code,即推迟方法分派到运行,但我不认为这是最简单的解决方案在这里的道德等价的,我一般preFER有尽可能多的静态检查类型的信息成为可能。)
(For completeness’ sake, C# 4 has the dynamic
keyword which allows the moral equivalent of the old VB code, namely deferring method dispatch to runtime. However, I don’t think that’s the most straightforward solution here, and I generally prefer to have as much statically checked type information as possible.)