


I read this question here on SO and stumbled over the best voted answer, which used code like this to call a lambda recursively:

    f {[&f](int i){
        // do something
    dummy((f(3), nullptr));

我想知道 dummy(...)部分是什么关于,所以我做了一些研究,但找不到任何东西。在答案提供的代码段中,使用了< utility> 标头,因此我想必须在其中的某处声明该内容,但是我仍然找不到任何内容

I wondered what the dummy(...) part was about so I did some research but couldn't find anything about it. In the code snippet provided in the answer there was the <utility> header used so I guess that thing must be declared somewhere in there, but I still couldn't find anything about it.

有人可以解释 dummy 函数(或函子)的作用,声明位置以及通常使用的功能

Could someone explain what that dummy function (or functor) does, where it is declared and what it is usually used for?


I mean obviously in the example it is used to call the function f. But what its actual purpose?

注意:我知道这个问题有点广泛,但是由于我找不到关于它的任何信息,因此无法将问题集中在一个具体问题上。另外,我希望我的问题的答案能帮助其他人找到有关神秘的 dummy()的信息。

NOTE: I know that question is a little broad, but since I couldn't find any information about it I could not focus the question onto one specif problem. Also I hope that an answer to my questions will help others finding information about the mysterious dummy().


让我们使用更简单的类型和表达式来简化声明。我们将使用 int 代替 std :: function< void(int)> 42 代替lambda,而 f + = 1 代替 f(3)

Let's simplify the declaration a bit by using simpler types and expressions. We'll use int instead of std::function<void(int)>, 42 instead of the lambda, and f += 1 instead of f(3):

int f{42}, dummy((f += 1, 0));


To make it even more obvious, we can also use braces instead of parentheses for the second initialisation:

int f{42}, dummy{(f += 1, 0)};

这样,它应该更清晰。这是一个声明,声明了两个变量: f dummy f 初始化为 42 ,而 dummy 初始化为此表达式:(f + = 1,0)。那个使用逗号运算符首先计算 f + = 1 ,丢弃结果,然后使用值 0 初始化 dummy

This way, it should be clearer. It's a declaration which declares two variables: f and dummy. f is initialised with 42, and dummy is initialised with this expression: (f += 1, 0). That one's using the comma operator to first evaluate f += 1, discard the result, and then use the value 0 to initalise dummy.


Going back to the full (nonsimplified) declaration:

变量 f dummy 的类型均为 std: :function< void(int)> 。第一个 f 用一个lambda初始化。然后,使用逗号表达式初始化 dummy 。该表达式的左侧 f(3)被求值并忘记了。右边的 nullptr 用于初始化 dummy 。用 nullptr 初始化 std :: function 会导致创建一个空的 std :: function 对象(与默认构造的对象相同)。

The type of both variables f and dummy is std::function<void(int)>. First f is initialised with a lambda. Then, dummy is initialised using a comma expression. The left-hand side of that expression, f(3), is evaluated and forgotten. The right-hand side, nullptr, is then used to initialise dummy. Initialising a std::function with nullptr results in creating an empty std::function object (the same as a default-constructed one).

dummy 是在同一行(=同一声明中)引入一些额外的上下文,在这些上下文中可以调用 f

The whole purpose of dummy is to introduce some extra context on the same line (= in the same declaration) in which f could be invoked.


08-20 04:16