After a recent question on static typing, I was thinking about arrays again. I always thought that array elements are just ordinary objects, but now I wonder:
Are the elements of an array complete objects in their own right, or are they incomplete, and the only complete object is the array itself?
如果是这种情况,那么(new T[N])[0]
If this were the case, then what is the complete object of (new T[N])[0]
, and what is its type?
如果元素不完整,是否意味着存在无法静态知道其类型的完整对象? (这与基本/衍生业务不同:new Derived
If the element is incomplete, then does that mean that there are complete objects whose type cannot be known statically? (This is different from base/derived business: the type of new Derived
is known statically, though it may never be recorded outside that expression.)
数组元素不是完整的对象. C ++ 11,[对象简介]§2:
An array element is not a complete object. C++11, [intro.object]§2:
至于(new T[N])[0]
.完整对象是由 new-expression (T
As for (new T[N])[0]
. The complete object is the object created by the new-expression (an array of T
). I'd say its type is "array of N
elements of T
", as per [expr.new]§1:
构造的 new-type-id .
请注意,在创建数组时, new-expression 返回一个指向该数组初始元素的指针,而不是指向数组本身的指针.这意味着在这种情况下, new-expression 的类型不是其创建的完整对象的类型.换句话说,无法以任何方式访问完整对象的类型.
Note that when creating arrays, a new-expression returns a pointer to the initial element of that array, not to the array itself. Which means that in such case, the type of the new-expression is not the type of the complete object it creates. In other words, the complete object's type cannot be accessed by any means.