我们正在尝试在worker spring应用程序和consumer spring应用程序之间实现一个消息通道(在多个JVM上会有同一个consumer的副本)
We are trying to implement a message channel between a worker spring application and a consumer spring application (there will be replicas of the same consumer on multiple JVMs)
对于 Java Config,spring 集成的文档有限,我能够找到 spring Kafka 的文档.我不确定依赖项是如何工作的,
With the Java Config there is limited documentation for the spring integration and I was able to find a documentation for the spring Kafka.I am not exactly sure how the dependency is working,
- Spring Kafka 集成是否基于 Spring Kafka.请对此提出意见?
- 在哪里可以找到有关 Spring Integration Kafka 新版本的正确文档?
Spring Integration Kafka 2.0 建立在 Spring Kafka 之上(Spring Integration Kafka 1.x 直接使用了 0.8.x.x scala 客户端).
Spring Integration Kafka 2.0 is built on top of Spring Kafka (Spring Integration Kafka 1.x used the 0.8.x.x scala client directly).
Spring Integration Kafka 的文档在 Spring Kafka 参考手册第 6 章.
The documentation for Spring Integration Kafka is in Chapter 6 of the Spring Kafka Reference Manual.
在某个时候,spring-integration-kafka 可能会被拉入主要的 spring 集成项目/文档中.
At some point, it is likely that spring-integration-kafka will be pulled into the main spring integration project/documentation.
这篇关于Spring 集成 Kafka 与 Spring Kafka的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!