

我正在使用 Vue 组件来呈现一些表头,如下所示:

I'm using a Vue component to render some table header as follows:

render (createElement) {
  return createElement('div', { class: 'header' },
    Array.apply(null, { length: this.initHours.length }).map(() => {
      return createElement('div', { class: 'frame' }, this.getHourIndex() )

问题是当在hourIndex(通过数组运行)上完成console.log 时会无限循环.

Issue is that when console.log done on hourIndex (which runs through an array) is going infinite loop.

getHourIndex 函数是:

getHourIndex () {
  const headerData = this.initHours[this.hourIndex]
  console.log(this.hourIndex) /// this is what's telling me it's an infinite loop
  return headerData

关于为什么要执行此无限循环的任何方向(考虑到 hourIndex 数组只有 25 个元素)将不胜感激.

Any orientation about why is this doing this infinite loop (considering that hourIndex array has only 25 elements) will be appreciated.



Whenever a component renders reactive data, it also has to re-render that data if it changes. That's part of reactivity. So the render process itself should never change data, or there will be an infinite loop: 1) render, 2) data changes, 3) causes re-render, 4) data changes, ad infinitum.


That's what's happening in this code because the render function increments this.hourIndex:


如果您只需要索引,请从 map 中获取:

If you just need the index, take it from the map:

Array.apply(null, { length: this.initHours.length }).map((_, index) => {
  return createElement('div', { class: 'frame' }, index )


08-04 06:28