

我需要一些帮助来了解Ruby 1.8.7中的Hash.

I need some help in understanding Hash in Ruby 1.8.7.


I have a multi-threaded Ruby application, and about 95% of time multiple threads of the application are trying to access a global Hash.

我不确定默认的Ruby Hash是否是线程安全的.拥有快速哈希的最佳方法是什么,但根据我的情况又是线程安全的?

I am not sure if the default Ruby Hash is thread safe. What would be the best way to have a fast Hash but also one that is thread safe given my situation?



I would suggest a wrapper which protects the Hash with a read-write lock. I couldn't find a pre-built Ruby read-write lock implementation (of course JRuby users can use java.util.concurrent.ReentrantReadWriteLock), so I built one. You can see it at:


我和另外两个人在MRI 1.9.2,MRI 1.9.3和JRuby上进行了测试.它似乎工作正常(尽管我仍然想进行更彻底的测试).它具有内置的测试脚本;如果您有多核计算机,请下载并尝试运行它,并让我知道结果!就性能而言,在有读取偏差的情况下,它会击败Mutex.即使在写入次数达到80-90%的情况下,它的 still 似乎也比使用Mutex快一点.

Me and two other people have tested it on MRI 1.9.2, MRI 1.9.3, and JRuby. It seems to be working correctly (though I still want to do more thorough testing). It has a built-in test script; if you have a multi-core machine, please download, try running it, and let me know the results! As far as performance goes, it trounces Mutex in situations with a read bias. Even in situations with 80-90% writes, it still seems a bit faster than using a Mutex.


I am also planning to do a Ruby port of Java's ConcurrentHashMap.


08-03 21:31