我是 Yii 框架的新手,刚接触到 模块、扩展 &组件在受保护的文件夹内.
I am new to Yii framework, and just came across module, extension & component inside protected folder.
Can anyone please differentiate all these theoretically as well as practically also.
组件 是可以帮助您根据模型编写业务逻辑的类.假设您的所有模型文件都使用相同的逻辑,那么该逻辑可以在组件内部编写,而不是为每个控制器编写.
Components are the classes which can help you write the business logic on the basis of your models. Suppose all of your model files are using the same logic, So that logic can be written inside component instead of writing for each controller.
Extensions are like the libraries, which basically are not dependent on your models, and hence can be reused anywhere in current or later projects. For example writing any email extension.
Module 是一个独立的软件单元,由模型、视图、控制器和其他支持组件组成.在许多方面,模块类似于应用程序.主要区别在于模块不能单独部署,它必须驻留在应用程序内部.用户可以像访问普通应用程序控制器一样访问模块中的控制器.
Module is a self-contained software unit that consists of models, views, controllers and other supporting components. In many aspects, a module resembles to an application. The main difference is that a module cannot be deployed alone and it must reside inside of an application. Users can access the controllers in a module like they do with normal application controllers.
这篇关于组件,扩展和有什么区别?Yii 中的模块的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!