

我正在使用 python 的请求模块进行 HTTP 通信,我想知道如何重用已经建立的 TCP 连接?requests 模块是无状态的,如果我对同一个 URL 重复调用 get,它不是每次都会创建一个新连接吗?

I am working with python's requests module for HTTP communication, and I am wondering how to reuse already-established TCP connections? The requests module is stateless and if I repeatedly call get for the same URL, wouldn't it create a new connection each time?



requests 模块不是无状态的;它只是让您忽略状态并有效地使用全局单例状态(如果您选择这样做).*

The requests module is not stateless; it just lets you ignore the state and effectively use a global singleton state if you choose to do so.*


And it (or, rather, one of the underlying libraries, urllib3) maintains a connection pool keyed by (hostname, port) pair, so it will usually just magically reuse a connection if it can.


好消息——多亏了 urllib3,keep-alive 是 100% 自动的在一个会话中!您在会话中提出的任何请求都将自动重用合适的连接!

请注意,连接只会释放回池以供重用一旦读取了所有主体数据;确保将 stream 设置为False 或读取 Response 对象的 content 属性.

Note that connections are only released back to the pool for reuse once all body data has been read; be sure to either set stream to False or read the content property of the Response object.


So, what does "if it can" mean? As the docs above imply, if you're keeping streaming response objects alive, their connections obviously can't be reused.


Also, the connection pool is really a finite cache, not infinite, so if you spam out a ton of connections and two of them are to the same server, you won't always reuse the connection, just often. But usually, that's what you actually want.


07-29 14:07