

我正在开发在Eclipse JavaFX应用程序。该应用程序有外部库,像log4j的和其他人,并从Eclipse的完美运行。我试着从Eclipse作为通过Eclipse运行的JAR内置功能部署它,它运行良好某些计算机上,而在其他它会给我一个不起眼的未定义的链接错误。周围挖后似乎JavaFX的需要或者通过Ant脚本或通过的javafxpackager 应用程序使用特殊包装。


  1. 通过构建一个Ant脚本的JavaFX应用程序,下面是构建脚本的相关部分的片段

     <路径ID =类路径>
        <文件集DIR =$ {} lib.dir包括=** / *罐子。/>
        <文件集DIR =$ {} javafx.sdk.path / JRE / lib目录包括=jfxrt.jar/>
    < /路径><目标名称=编译取决于=干净>
        <回声>编译源< /回声>
        < MKDIR DIR =$ {} classes.dir/>
        <! - 在杂项文件到类目录复制 - >
        <副本todir =$ {} classes.dir /捆绑>
           <文件集DIR =$ {}对于src.dir /捆绑/>
        < /复制>
        <副本todir =$ {} classes.dir / CSS>
            <文件集DIR =$ {}对于src.dir / CSS/>
        < /复制>
        <副本todir =$ {} classes.dir / IMG>
           <文件集DIR =$ {}对于src.dir / IMG/>
        < /复制>
        <副本todir =$ {} classes.dir /视图>
           <文件集DIR =$ {}对于src.dir /视图/>
        < /复制>    <副本todir =$ {} classes.dir /捆绑>
           <文件集DIR =$ {}对于src.dir /捆绑/>
        < /复制>    <复制文件=$ {}对于src.dir /log4j2.xmltodir =$ {} classes.dir/>    < javac的目标=1.7SRCDIR =$ {}对于src.dirDESTDIR =上的&GT$ {} classes.dirclasspathref =类路径调试=;
        < / javac的>
    < /目标与GT;<目标名称=罐子依赖=编译>
        <回声>创建主jar文件< /回声>
        < MKDIR DIR =$ {} distro.dir/>
        < FX:罐子destfile =$ {} distro.dir /main.jar详细=真>
            <外汇:JavaFX的平台=2.1+J2SE =7.0/>
            < FX:应用mainClass =$ {} main.class/>        <! - 什么要加入到结果的jar文件?
                 一切都在构建树 - >
            <文件集DIR =$ {} classes.dir/>        <! - 定义需要哪些辅助的资源
                  那里的类​​路径定义 - >
             < FX:资源>
                < FX:文件集DIR =$ {} distro.dir包括=main.jar文件/>
                < FX:文件集DIR =。包括=$ {lib.dir} / **TYPE =罐子/>
                < FX:文件集DIR =。包括= /&gt的帮助。
            < / FX:资源>        <! - 做一些更新清单文件 - >
               <属性名=实施厂商价值=$ {} app.vendor/>
               <属性名=实施-标题值=$ {} app.name/>
               <属性名=类路径值=$ {} lib.dir/>
            < /清单>
        < / FX:罐>
    < /目标与GT;

编译/生成通过ant脚本的罐子,我得到一个窗口弹出在控制台半秒和应用程序启动方式异常,不具有堆栈跟踪。我试过捉迷藏与的java -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow 标志,但它仍然不会给我一个堆栈跟踪。

  1. 的javafxpackager 运行提供了以下错误:

            在com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumRenderer $ 3.run(QuantumRenderer.java:
            在java.util.concurrent.Executors $ RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:47
            在java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor中的$ Worker.run(的ThreadPoolExecutor
            在com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumRenderer $ PipelineRunnable.run(Quantu


您可以使用的javafxpackager 部署应用程序。如果部署的自包含应用程序,Java运行时环境将与您的应用程序捆绑在一起,它将Java的正确版本是否安装或没有任何一台机器上运行。
你应该有的javafxpackager 中的bin文件夹下你的JDK目录。的)

  1. 查找您编译的文件(的.class )的Eclipse工作区文件夹。他们应该在bin目录下。

  2. 创建一个 createjar 文件夹,并在里面创建一个文件夹中。所有的.class文件复制在文件夹中。还包括在类文件夹中的应用程序所需的所有jar。

  3. 现在在命令行上走 createjar 目录中并运行此命令:

    C:\\路径\\为\\ jdk的\\ jdk1.7.0_25 \\ BIN \\ javafxpackager.exe-createjar -appClass package.MainClass -srcdir类-outdir出-OUTFILE NameOfYou​​rJar -classpath-v


  1. 现在创建旁边的 createjar 文件夹部署文件夹中。

  2. 部署文件夹作出其他目录 DIST

  3. DIST 文件夹从上面复制你刚创建的罐子加上所有的依赖/ ressources它将需要。


 C:\\路径\\为\\ jdk的\\ jdk1.7.0_25 \\ BIN \\ javafxpackager.exe-deploy -native -outdir包-OUTFILE NameOfYou​​rApp -srcdir DIST -srcfiles NameOfYou​​rJar。罐子-appClass package.MainClass -name你的姓名申请-title应用程序标题

一旦完成它应该创建所有你需要部署应用程序,包括原 .exe文件文件在Windows平台上运行。这是自包含的应用程序!为了能够运行它,你需要进入捆绑\\ NameOfYou​​rApp \\ APP 并粘贴在这里所有的依赖关系/的ressource您的应用程序的需求。


I'm developing a JavaFX application in Eclipse. The app has external libraries, like log4j and others and runs perfectly from Eclipse. I've tried deploying it from Eclipse as a Runnable jar through the Eclipse built-in feature, and it runs well on some computers, while on others it would give me an obscure Undefined Link error. After digging around it seems JavaFX needs to be specially packaged either through an ANT script or through the javafxpackager application.

For the life of me I can't seem to deploy a runnable jar through either of those methods. Trying either of those methods, I get an Exception. Things I've tried:

  1. Build the JavaFX application through an ANT script, below is a snippet of the relevant parts of the build script

    <path id="classpath">
        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="${javafx.sdk.path}/jre/lib" includes="jfxrt.jar"/>
    <target name="compile" depends="clean">
        <echo>Compiling the source</echo>
        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
        <!-- Copy over the misc files into the classes dir -->
        <copy todir="${classes.dir}/bundles">
           <fileset dir="${src.dir}/bundles"/>
        <copy todir="${classes.dir}/css">
            <fileset dir="${src.dir}/css"/>
        <copy todir="${classes.dir}/img">
           <fileset dir="${src.dir}/img"/>
        <copy todir="${classes.dir}/views">
           <fileset dir="${src.dir}/views"/>
        <copy todir="${classes.dir}/bundles">
           <fileset dir="${src.dir}/bundles"/>
        <copy file="${src.dir}/log4j2.xml" todir="${classes.dir}"/>
        <javac target="1.7" srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" classpathref="classpath" debug="on">
    <target name="jar" depends="compile">
        <echo>Creating the main jar file</echo>
        <mkdir dir="${distro.dir}" />
        <fx:jar destfile="${distro.dir}/main.jar" verbose="true">
            <fx:platform javafx="2.1+" j2se="7.0"/>
            <fx:application mainClass="${main.class}"/>
            <!-- What to include into result jar file?
                 Everything in the build tree-->
            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"/>
            <!-- Define what auxilary resources are needed
                  These files will go into the manifest file,
                  where the classpath is defined -->
                <fx:fileset dir="${distro.dir}" includes="main.jar"/>
                <fx:fileset dir="." includes="${lib.dir}/**" type="jar"/>
                <fx:fileset dir="." includes="."/>
            <!-- Make some updates to the Manifest file -->
               <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${app.vendor}"/>
               <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${app.name}"/>
               <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${lib.dir}"/>
               <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="1.0"/>

Compiling/generating the jar through the ant script, I get a window pop up for half a second and "Exception in Application start method" in the console, with no stack trace. I've tried runnning java with the -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow flag, but it still won't give me a stack trace.

  1. Running through javafxpackager gives the following error:

    RenderJob.run: internal exceptionjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DContext.nSetBlendEnabled(JZZ)I at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DContext.nSetBlendEnabled(Native Method) at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DContext.initState(D3DContext.java:84) at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DResourceFactory.(D3DResourceFactory.java:57) at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.createResourceFactory(D3DPipeline.java:147) at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.getD3DResourceFactory(D3DPipeline.java:153) at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.findDefaultResourceFactory(D3DPipeline.java:179) at com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.getDefaultResourceFactory(D3DPipeline.java:201) at com.sun.prism.GraphicsPipeline.getDefaultResourceFactory(GraphicsPipeline.java:97) at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumRenderer$3.run(QuantumRenderer.java:143) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:304) at com.sun.prism.render.RenderJob.run(RenderJob.java:37) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumRenderer$PipelineRunnable.run(QuantumRenderer.java:98) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:724)


You can deploy your application using javafxpackager. If you deploy a self contained application, the Java Runtime Environment will be bundled with your application and it will run on any machine whether the right version of Java is installed or not.(You should have javafxpackager in your jdk directory under the bin folder.)

  1. Look for your compiled files (.class) in your eclipse workspace folder. They should be in the bin directory.

  2. Create a createjar folder and inside it create a classes and a out folder. Copy all of your .class files in the classes folder. Also include in the classes folder all jar needed by your application.

  3. Now on the command line go inside the createjar directory and run this command :

    "C:\path\to\jdk\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\javafxpackager.exe" -createjar -appclass package.MainClass -srcdir classes -outdir out -outfile NameOfYourJar -classpath "" -v

This should create a runnable jar in the out directory. You will need it for the next step.

  1. Now create a deploy folder alongside the createjar folder.

  2. Inside the deploy folder make to other directories dist and packages.

  3. In the dist folder copy your freshly created jar from above plus all the dependencies/ressources it will need.

Go back on the command line (if you ever left it) and go in the deploy directory. Run the following command from there :

"C:\path\to\jdk\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\javafxpackager.exe" -deploy -native -outdir packages -outfile NameOfYourApp -srcdir dist -srcfiles NameOfYourJar.jar -appclass package.MainClass -name "Name of You Application" -title "Title of your application"

Once it is done it should have created all you need to deploy your app including native .exe file to run on Windows platform. This is the self contained application ! To be able to run it you need to go into bundles\NameOfYourApp\app and paste here all dependencies/ressource your app needs.

At last, double click on YourApp.exe and it should run even on machines without Java installed.


07-29 12:50