你好,我是AWS Lambda的新手,我想知道Hot Lambda函数(Hot Start)和Cold Lambda函数(Cold Start)是什么意思?有人可以详细解释一下吗? Hot Lambda和Cold Lambda有什么区别
Hello I am new to AWS Lambda.I want to know what do we mean by Hot Lambda function (Hot Start) and Cold Lambda function (Cold Start) ?? Can anyone please explain me in detail & what is the difference between Hot Lambda and Cold Lambda
After uploading your code or after periods of inactivity your Lambda is shut down or "cold". When a new event comes in there is a brief moment where Lambda spins up a new instance of your code - this includes whatever initializing AWS does to start up the "container" as well as initializing the code that you uploaded.
So an event that is able to hit an initialized("hot") Lambda will in theory be processed faster than hitting a cold one. There isn't a guarantee on how long a Lambda will stay hot after the last event but it could be as long as 5 minutes.
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