I'm using a Custom s'print DPT100-S thermal printer to made a receipt printing application.
可以在一行中使用384个像素打印图形。该数据必须使用48字节(48×8 = 384)传递到打印机。所以,每个位表示一个要打印的点(位为白色为0,黑色为1)。
It is able to print graphics using 384 pixels in one line. This data has to be passed on to the printer using 48 bytes (48x8=384). So, each 'bit' represents one dot to be printed (bit will be '0' for white and '1' for black).
所以,我需要创建一个程序将读取Windows Paint(或任何其他程序)中生成的单色BMP,并使用Linux中的C程序将其转换为该位格式。
So, I need to create a program which will read a monochrome BMP generated in Windows Paint(or any other program) and convert it into this bit format using a C program in Linux.
Read BMP
For each row in BMP
For each group of 8 pixels in row
output_byte = 0
For each pixel in current group of 8
output_byte <<= 1 // shift output_byte left by one bit
output_byte |= (pixel != 0) // set rightmost bit in output_byte
// according to input pixel value
Save output_byte in bitmap