In our centos6 server. I would like to execute a php script in cron job as apache user but unfortunately it does not work.
下面是crontab中的版本(的crontab -e -uapache)
here is the edition of crontab (crontab -uapache -e)
24 17 * * * php /opt/test.php
和这里是test.php的文件的源$ C $ C它与阿帕奇用户作为所有者的罚款。
and here is the source code of "test.php" file which works fine with "apache" user as owner.
<?php exec( 'touch /opt/test/test.txt');?>
我尝试用PHP的完整路径,以取代PHP(在/ usr /本地/ PHP /斌/ PHP),而且它不能正常工作
I try to replace php with full path of php (/usr/local/php/bin/php) but also it doesn't work
Thanks in advance,Please Help me
cron是在linux / Unix类电脑操作系统基于时间的调度服务。用于调度cron作业命令必须定期执行。
您可以设置命令或脚本,这将反复在设定的时间运行。 cron是在Linux或UNIX类操作系统的最有用的工具之一。 cron服务(守护进程)在后台运行,并不断检查的 / etc / crontab中的文件,的/ etc / cron的。的/ *目录。它还检查的的/ var /线轴/ cron的/ 的目录。
Automated Tasks: Cron
Cron is a time-based scheduling service in Linux / Unix-like computer operating systems. Cron job are used to schedule commands to be executed periodically.You can setup commands or scripts, which will repeatedly run at a set time. Cron is one of the most useful tool in Linux or UNIX like operating systems. The cron service (daemon) runs in the background and constantly checks the /etc/crontab file, /etc/cron./* directories. It also checks the /var/spool/cron/ directory.
在下面的例子中, crontab命令的下面显示将自动激活后台任务每隔十分钟:
In the following example, the crontab command shown below will activate the cron tasks automatically every ten minutes:
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /opt/test.php
在上面的示例中,* / 10 * * * *重新presents任务的时候应该发生。第一个数字再presents 分的 - 在这种情况下,每一个十分。其他数字分别重新present,小时的天的月和星期的。
In the above sample, the */10 * * * * represents when the task should happen. The first figure represents minutes – in this case, on every "ten" minute. The other figures represent, respectively, hour, day, month and day of the week.
的 *
is a wildcard, meaning "every time".
先从找出你的 PHP 的通过在命令行中输入的二进制:
Start with finding out your PHP binary by typing in command line:
whereis php
The output should be something like:
PHP:在/ usr / bin中/ PHP的/etc/php.ini中/etc/php.d在/ usr / lib64下/ PHP / usr / include目录/ PHP的/ usr /共享/ PHP的/ usr / share / man中/ man1目录/ php.1.gz
Specify correctly the full path in your command.
crontab -e
要看到你在得到的的crontab 的
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