


So I use JavaScript fairly regularly and I was wondering if there were any good tips or tricks in debugging javascript....Like for example I have a good one I use fairly regularly.


In my code i would do something like this

window.p = $(this);


and in the console I can do my filtering like this



or whatever i need to do...but this makes it easy to debug a specific spot in the code and I know there has got to me many tips and tricks out there....thanks in advance


Also i looked at this question and though its helpful i was looking more for techniques like my above ...



I usually set a breakpoint and look at the Scope Variables, or add my own watch expressions or hover over the variables and just step through the code.


Sometimes I find it useful to just log things using console.log().

其他时候,当事情工作,但是他们太慢我使用code> console.profile()和 console.profileEnd()

Other times, when things work, but they are too slow I use console.profile() and console.profileEnd()

一个有用的技巧是使用 $ 0 。如果您在HTML pannel中选择了一个元素,则可以在控制台中将其作为$ 0引用。

A useful trick is the use of $0. If you have an element selected in the HTML pannel, you can reference it in the console as $0.

以上所有技术均适用于Firefox + Firebug和Webkit浏览器如Chrome和Safari)。最近我更喜欢Chrome,因为它允许我直接编辑代码(请参阅教程 )

All techniques above work in Firefox+Firebug and Webkit based browsers (such as Chrome & Safari). Lately I prefer Chrome because it allows me to edit code inline (check this tutorial by Paul Irish)

对于jQuery的额外调试帮助,我使用 FireQuery

For extra debugging help for jQuery I use FireQuery


09-09 22:35