


I have several processes running that I'd like to attach to the VS debugger via powershell.

当前,我可以这样做:Get-Process NServiceBus.Host | Debug-Process

Currently, I can do this: Get-Process NServiceBus.Host | Debug-Process


If there is only one process, then I am prompted to select the correct debugger and I can continue.

但是,如果有多个进程,当系统提示我为第二个进程选择调试器时,将无法选择当前正在运行的Visual Studio实例.

However, if there are more than one processes, when I'm prompted to select a debugger for the second process, I am unable to select the currently running instance of Visual Studio.

如何使用Powershell将多个进程附加到Visual Studio的运行实例中进行调试?

How can I use powershell to attach multiple processes to a running instance of visual studio for debuggin?


掌握活动的Visual Studio实例...

To get hold of the active visual studio instance ...

$ dte = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] :: GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE")


... and to make it attach to a set of processes ...

($ dte.debugger.localprocesses |其中名称-匹配"proc(one | two).exe").Attach()

...如果花费太长时间,则似乎在每次附加连接之间都需要延迟,否则visual studio忙并拒绝了呼叫.

... it seems that a delay might be necessary between each attach if it takes too long otherwise visual studio is busy and rejects the call.


09-05 17:53