


This is a follow-up from my question here: How to record sequential collections of records in MySQL

简而言之,我想在MySQL中实现一个配方表和另一个指令表.食谱是指一系列或其他食谱的说明.因此,例如,您可以想象一个Peach_preserve配方,一个使用Peach_preservePeach_tart以及一系列其他步骤(指令). Peach_preserve可以用于许多其他食谱.

In short, I want to implement in MySQL a table of recipes and another of instructions. A recipe is a sequential series of instructions or other recipes. So for example you could imagine a Peach_preserve recipe, and a Peach_tart that uses the Peach_preserve, plus a series of other steps (instructions). Peach_preserve could be used for many other recipes.


In my previous question I was recommended a design to allow for a specific order for each instruction within a recipe:

id  name
1   Recipe1
2   Recipe2

recipe_id  instruction_id  sortorder
1          5               1
1          3               2
1          4               3
2          6               1
2          7               2
2          3               3
2          6               4


What I would like to do now is to incorporate the idea that within a recipe a sub-component might be another recipe rather than an atomic / discrete instruction. So my idea is to do it this way:

id  name
1   Recipe1
2   Recipe2

recipe_id  step_id  isRecipe    sortorder
1          5             F           1
1          3             F           2
1          4             F           3
2          1             F           1
2          1             T           2
2          2             F           3
2          1             F           4


Here you can see that Recipe1 is made of 3 instructions, and Recipe2 is made of one instruction, then Recipe1, then another 2 instructions, one of which is a repeat of step 1. I thought of other ways to capture this idea but they involve a bunch of null entries. What I don't like in the above is that the key is made of the 4 attributes...


  1. 在数据库中合并一个递归的想法是一个好主意吗?
  2. 如果是这样,是这样做的方法还是可以改进的方法?


QUICK I'm starting to read on hierarchies. In my example, each one recipe can have several parents.



This is a very common technique. It is used to store hierarchical data (you call it recursive) within a db.


However you will have to manage the integrity in your application, because a foreign key cannot be used, since the relation is conditional to the isRecipe flag.


09-05 14:21