




I have one gridview and it contains no.of records. if i have scroll down for 50th or any other record then if i refresh the form through a button, i will lose my current positon and automatically comes to 1st record. I want the record at the same position say 50 even after refreshing. Please help me...

Thanks in advance.


'Variable to save the scrolling index with
    Private intSaveScrollingIndex As Integer = 0

    'When user scrolls the grid, save the index
    Private Sub gvMast_Scroll(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles gvMast.Scroll
        intSaveScrollingIndex = gvMast.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex
    End Sub

    'When the grid is refreshed, scroll the grid back to the proper place if possible
    Private Sub LoadGrid()
        ' *** Whatever code you have that reloads/refreshed your grid goes here *** '

        'If filters or changes have removed rows to scroll to, or have removed ALL rows, reset the scrolling index to zero
        If gvMast.Rows.Count <= intSaveScrollingIndex _
        OrElse intSaveScrollingIndex = -1 Then
            intSaveScrollingIndex = 0
        End If

        'Only set scrolling index when there are rows to display
        If gvMast.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            gvMast.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = intSaveScrollingIndex
        End If
    End Sub


09-05 13:31