比方说,我需要做出一系列的String []的对象。
Let's say I needed to make a series of String[] objects.
I know that if i wanted to make a string array called "test" to hold 3 Strings I could do
的String [] =测试新的String [3];
String[] test = new String[3];
但是,让我们说,我需要做出一系列的这些阵列的,我想他们被命名,1,2,3,4,5 ...等。然而,许多我需要的,我不知道有多少我所需要的。
But let's say I needed to make a series of these arrays and I wanted them to be named, 1,2, 3, 4, 5... etc. For however many I needed and I didn't know how many I'd need.
How do I achieve a similar effect to this:
for (int k=0; k=5; k++){
String[] k = new String[3];
这将创建一个名为5 1字符串数组至5
Which would created 5 string arrays named 1 through 5. Basically I want to be able to create array objects with a name detemined by some other function. Why can't I seem to do this? Am I just being stupid?
There aren't any "variable variables" (that is variables with variable names) in Java, but you can create Maps or Arrays to deal with your particular issue. When you encounter an issue that makes you think "I need my variables to change names dynamically" you should try and think "associative array". In Java, you get associative arrays using Map
That is, you can keep a List of your arrays, something like:
List<String[]> kList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++){
kList.add(new String[3]);
Or perhaps a little closer to what you're after, you can use a Map:
Map<Integer,String[]> kMap = new HashMap<Integer,String[]>();
for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++){
kMap.put(k, new String[3]);
// access using kMap.get(0) etc..