I have read (or perhaps heard from a colleague) that in .NET, TransactionScope can hit its timeout and then VoteCommit (as opposed to VoteRollback). Is this accurate or hearsay? I couldn't track down information on the web that talked about this issue (if it IS an issue), so I wonder if anyone has any direct experience with it and can shed some light?
如果您在关系到SQL Server的意思是,再有就是,你可以在连接字符串中解决的问题;看到我的回答here,或全部细节here.
If you mean in relation to SQL Server, then there is an issue that you can fix in the connection string; see my reply here, or the full details here.
The short version is: ensure you have Transaction Binding=Explicit Unbind;
in the connection string.
这实际上不是在做一个投票提交 - 事务(以及任何运营初期)已回滚,但任何后续操作(仍然在的TransactionScope
It isn't actually doing a vote commit - the transaction (and any early operations) has rolled back, but any subsequent operations (still inside the TransactionScope
) can get performed in the nul-transaction, i.e. auto-commit.