

我正在尝试将一些表从实时数据库移动到另一个数据库,然后在传输数据后将其变为实时数据库.第二个数据库存在于 2008 年的服务器上,迁移是从 2012 年开始的.这造成了一些问题

I'm trying to move some tables from a live db to another db, which will then be made live after the data has been transferred. The 2nd db exists on a server with 2008, and the migration is from 2012. which has caused a few problems

最初我用脚本做了一个完整的数据库导出.因为导出工具不会转到以前的版本.- 完全导出后,我删除了 db2 上多余的表.因为我只移动了大约 200 个中的 40 个左右.

Originally I did a full DB export with Scripts. because the export tool wouldnt go to previous versions. - after the full export I deleted the superfluous tables on db2. as I am only moving 40 or so out of about 200.

现在数据库结构已经建立,一切正常.过时的数据.一旦数据更新,一切都准备好进行切换.所以我理想地喜欢一个脚本来检查 db1 中的表是否存在于 db2 中,然后如果它在所有行之间进行复制.这可能吗?

Now the DB structure is set up, all is working. with out of date-data. and everything is ready to be switched once the data is made up to date. So i'd ideally like a script that checks to see if a table in db1 exists in db2, then if it does to copy across all rows. Is this possible?


如果创建链接服务器不是一种选择,那么您可以尝试使用 sql server 导入数据向导将数据从一个数据库传输到另一个数据库.使用以下链接了解操作方法:在sql server中轻松导入数据

If creating a linked server is not an option then you can try using sql server import data wizard to transfer data from one db to another.Use the following link for how-to:Import data easily in sql server

