在 iOS 上,我想使用 sqlite 将用户数据存储在数据库中.对于那个设计.Xib 文件用户名、密码、DOB 作为文本字段和按钮,当点击按钮时所有文本字段填充后所有数据都存储在数据库中.
On iOS, I want store user data in database using sqlite. For that design .Xib file username, password, DOB as text fields and take button, after fill all text fields when click the button all the data is stored in database.
我假设您已经知道插座的工作原理以及如何从 UI 元素中获取信息.
I assume you already know how outlets work and how to get information from UI elements.
SQLite 部分.SQLite 非常简单.您需要有一个 INSERT 查询,如下所示:
SQLite part. SQLite is very easy. You need to have an INSERT query, like this:
char *query = "INSERT INTO myTable (field1, field2) VALUES (?, ?)";
sqlite3_stmt *statem;
sqlite3_prepare_v2(myDB, query, -1, &statem, NULL);
sqlite3_bind_text(statem, 1, [[field1 text] UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
sqlite3_bind_text(statem, 2, [[field1 test] UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
do {
int status = sqlite3_step(statem);
} whlie (status != SQLITE_DONE && status != SQLITE_ERROR);
You should set up the DB first but this can all be found in the documentation.