I have made a TabBar project using xcode's templates and I have the tabbar in the mainwindow.xib ofcourse.
在用户登录应用程序后,我将其重定向到名为notifications的页面, [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
once after the user logs into the app, I redirect them to a page called notifications, [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
but the tabbar doesnt show up.
now how can I either include the tabbar in the code above or get the tabbar from mainWindow.xib and display it once the UIView is loaded?
你的吗? '登录'视图显示TabBar?如果是这样,那是因为你的登录视图控制器是TabBar视图控制器的子节点。您的模态视图不显示TabBar,因为它的控制器不是TabBar视图控制器的子项。
Does your 'log in' view display the TabBar? If so, that's because your 'log in' view controller is a child of the TabBar view controller. Your modal view does not show the TabBar because it's controller is not a child of the TabBar view controller.
您可能想重新考虑应用程序的设计。模态视图控制器通常表示为与主工作流程的临时偏差。请参阅适用于iOS的View Controller编程指南 -
You may want to reconsider the design of you app. A modal view controller is usually presented as temporary deviation from the main workflow. See the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS - Modal View Controllers
You could swap things around. Have the main contents of your app in the TabBar, and upon the app launch, if the user is not already logged in, present your 'log in' view as a Modal View. Then dismiss it once the user logs in.