假设我有 Base :
< cfcomponent output =false>
< cffunction name =initaccess =publicreturntype =Anyoutput =false>
< cfset variables.metadata = getmetadata(this)>
< cfreturn this>
< / cffunction>
< cffunction name =getmetaaccess =publicreturntype =Anyoutput =false>
< cfreturn variables.metadata>
< / cffunction>
< / cfcomponent>
,我想在另一个名为 ::
< cfcomponent output =falseextends =Base>
< / cfcomponent>
< cfset obj = createobject(component,Admin)。init()>
< cfdump var =#obj.getmeta()#>
,并且扩展了我的 基本 组件。这很好,但我不想在创建对象时显式地调用 init() 方法。
如果我可以在 基础 组件中执行类似的操作,我会很高兴:
< cfcomponent output =false>
< cfset init()>
< cffunction name =initaccess =publicreturntype =Anyoutput =false>
< cfset variables.metadata = getmetadata(this)>
< cfreturn this>
< / cffunction>
< cffunction name =getmetaaccess =publicreturntype =Anyoutput =false>
< cfreturn variables.metadata>
< / cffunction>
< / cfcomponent>
然而,getmeta()方法返回的元数据告诉我组件名称是 ,即使它仍在延长。关于如何完成这个任何想法?
解决方案 6岁,但我会给出真正的答案...
public function foo(){
component extends =Base{
public function foo(){
要找出什么组件Child扩展, :
< cfscript>
child = createObject(component,Child);
< / cfscript>
Let's say I have the following component called Base:
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="Any" output="false">
<cfset variables.metadata = getmetadata(this)>
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="getmeta" access="public" returntype="Any" output="false">
<cfreturn variables.metadata>
and I want to extend base in another component called Admin:
<cfcomponent output="false" extends="Base">
Now within my application if I do the following when creating the object:
<cfset obj = createobject("component", "Admin").init()>
<cfdump var="#obj.getmeta()#">
The metadata I get back tells me that the name of the component is Admin and it's extending my Base component. That's all good, but I don't want to have to call the init() method explicitly when creating the object.
I would be nice if I could do something like this in my Base component:
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfset init()>
<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="Any" output="false">
<cfset variables.metadata = getmetadata(this)>
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="getmeta" access="public" returntype="Any" output="false">
<cfreturn variables.metadata>
However then the metadata returned by the getmeta() method telling me that the component name is Base even though it's still being extended. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
解决方案 6 years old, but I'll give the real answer...
Given Base.cfc:
public function foo(){
return 'base';
And Child.cfc:
component extends="Base"{
public function foo(){
return 'child';
To find out what component Child extends, just do this:
child = createObject( "component", "Child" );
writeDump( getMetaData(child).extends.name );