如果文档被列为 Book>Fiction>Sci-fi,则当您的构面查询为Book"、Book>Fiction"、Book>Fiction>Sci-fi"时,它必须是可搜索的.
If a doc is listed as Book>Fiction>Sci-FI, it must be searchable when your facet query is "Book", "Book>Fiction", "Book>Fiction>Sci-fi".
I searched the Internet and the methods I came up with are:
1 在索引时间将Book>Fiction>Sci-fi"拆分为Book"、Book>Fiction"、Book>Fiction>Sci-fi"并存储它们在同一领域.
1 Split the "Book>Fiction>Sci-FI" into "Book", "Book>Fiction", "Book>Fiction>Sci-fi" at index-time itself and store them in same field.
2 有单独的字段 cat、sub_cat、sub_sub_cat.将类别拆分为相应的字段并使用 Pivot facets http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#Pivot_.28ie_Decision_Tree.29_Faceting
2 Have separate fields cat, sub_cat, sub_sub_cat. Split the catogories into corresponding fields and use Pivot facets http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#Pivot_.28ie_Decision_Tree.29_Faceting
What are other ways to do hierarchial facets, so that they can support any complex queries?
检查 http://wiki.apache.org/solr/HierarchicalFaceting
Its mentioned the options mentioned by you and some more.
如果您可以使用 Solr 4.0,Pivot facets 是层次分面的解决方案
Pivot facets is the solution for hierarchy faceting if you can use Solr 4.0
如果升级有问题,可以勾选@http://www.lucidimagination.com/why-lucid/webinars/mastering-power-faceted-search(类似于您的选项 1)
If you have issues upgrading, you can check the option @ http://www.lucidimagination.com/why-lucid/webinars/mastering-power-faceted-search (similar to option 1 of yours)
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