


An iphone app I'm working on is terminating periodically ... and I have a feeling it is because of how I'm accessing a shared NSArray amongst several view controllers. So ...


What is the best way to pass NSArray/NSMutableArray amongst several ViewControllers ... all of which can modify and/or set it to nil or whatever?





In the first approach, when you instantiate your next view controller, you could set an array property to "inherit" from the current (soon-to-be previous or parent) view controller:

MyNextViewController *_myNextViewController = [[MyNextViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyNextViewController" bundle:nil];
_myNextViewController.myViewControllerArray = self.myViewControllerArray;

在第二种方法中,您可以在应用程序委托中创建 myAppDelegateArray 属性,在应用程序初始化时实例化数组(或根据需要实例化其他地方).

In the second approach, you could create a myAppDelegateArray property in your application delegate, instantiating the array when the application initializes (or instantiated somewhere else, on demand).


You can then call the getter for this property from any class — including view controllers.

例如,在 MyNextViewController 的实例中,您可能具有一个名为 myViewControllerArray 的属性,并将其设置如下:

For example, within an instance of MyNextViewController, you might have a property called myViewControllerArray and you would set it as follows:

self.myViewControllerArray = [UIAppDelegate myAppDelegateArray];

您将在应用程序常量文件中的某个位置添加 #define 语句,例如:

You would add a #define statement somewhere in your application constants file, e.g.:

#define UIAppDelegate ((MyAppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate)

或根据需要使用完整的 [UIApplication sharedApplication] .delegate 调用.

or use the full [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate call, if you prefer.


As a general approach, people seem to prefer the app delegate approach, as it decentralizes access to the desired property.


With this approach, if you rearrange your view controllers or insert new view controllers into your VC hierarchy, you wouldn't need to debug child view controller properties inherited from parent view controllers, because a reference is always available from the app delegate.


08-26 06:30